Four Authorities Share What to Do Now To Create The Kind of
Death You Want & How To Be of Service to Someone Who is Dying
We have all kinds of education – but what prepares us
to deal with the death of a loved one or our own passing?
How can we be of the highest service to someone who is dying
and not “Burn Out” ? How to “BE” with someone who is dying.

Based on a series of three workshops, learn from four leaders in the
field. Ease The Fear: What to expect when you’re expecting to die.


Our lack of reconciliation with the truth of our mortality
I feel has given rise to global suffering, consumerism, stupidity…
– Joan Halifax Roshi


Now is the time for us all to consider what we’re missing as a
culture because of our disconnection from our own mortality.
– Ram Dass


Dying Into Love is a series of 42 on-line videos, in bite-sized chunks,
totaling almost 18 hours, from three intimate workshops
illuminating all aspects of dying, clinical and esoteric,
in order to reclaim death as a sacred component of everyday life.


Some of the participants are professional caregivers, some are dying
themselves, and some are spiritual people who wish to consider
the issues of death as a way of enhancing their
own consciousness and move closer to God.


Ram Dass – Joan Halifax – Dale Borglum – Bodhi Be

Dr. Richard Alpert, Ph.D.aka Ram Dass, Psychologist, Author (Be Here Now), World-renowned Lecturer, 40+ years a pioneer of conscious dying. Co-founder of the Seva Foundation & The Dying Project.

Dr. Joan Halifax, Ph.D.Medical anthropologist & World leader in innovative end-of-life care, Author (Being with Dying), Buddhist teacher, Founder of Upaya Zen Center. She has taught about death & dying for 30+ years.

Dr. Dale Borglum, Ph.D.Founder of The Living/Dying Project, working with 1000’s of people with life-threatening illness & their families for over 30 years. Co-author of Journey of Awakening: A Meditator’s Guidebook

Bodhi Be Interfaith minister, hospice volunteer and funeral director, founded DOORWAY INTO LIGHT & THE DEATH STORE: goods & services for the dying, green/home funerals, advance directives…


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